X1C5 Plus

(51 customer reviews)




Handheld APRS tracker with LCD screen.


X1C5 series now uses Type-C for charging and programing.




(Please note: We do NOT have any distributor and reseller on Aliexpress,Ebay and Amazon!)

SKU: N/A Category:


Luxury handheld APRS tracker.

Colorful LCD screen;

1 watt RF out (VHF or UHF options);

WiFi and Bluetooth.



APRS setting program

Latest firmware                            01 / Apr / 2021


Three buttons can be used multifunctional (depends on the firmware)!

1.8-inch color LCD

Support fixed station FIXED, sports SPORT, 2 site modes

Support complete TRACK tracker, support intelligent, timing, PTT linkage, queue beacon

Support beacon additional information, mileage, satellite number, voltage, temperature, air pressure, etc.

Support mileage calculation, support accumulated mileage or automatically clearance

Support for automatic icons (TRACK smart mode)

Support GPS power saving mode (TRACK PTT linkage mode, TRACK timing mode)

High altitude up to 18000meters above sea level


Integrated 2.0+4.0 dual mode Bluetooth,

Support Bluetooth output KISS hex, UI, GPWPL, KISS ASC, GS232B and other protocols

Support Bluetooth output GPS data (GPRMC+GPGGA), support mixed output

Support Bluetooth KISS data bidirectional transparent transmission

Support full DIGI relay function, support custom relay name, support relay remote turn-off function

Support remote control peripheral sensor input and relay output module


Built-in advanced CMX programming algorithm

Built-in transmit level, receive level adjuster (-10.5dB -0dB)

Built-in high performance GPS\Beidou\GLONASS multimode hybrid positioning module

Built-in advanced algorithm to support rich data analysis

Support heading, north position, relative motion position calculation

Support APRS distance, elevation target calculation, support G5500 aircraft, vessel and other tracking control

Companion PC setup software (Chinese, English) (requires .NET 4.0)


UHF or VHF options, 1W RF output

Support battery USB direct charging

Support comprehensive GPS interface, beacon list interface, real-time beacon interface, beacon record analysis interface

Built-in temperature\pressure auxiliary sensor (temperature & air pressure values for reference only)

Support off-network use, no network, direct mutual positioning

Support liuyun, APRSdroid, LOCUS, Ovi and other APP

Support user independent firmware upgrade

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 8.8 × 5 × 2 cm


51 reviews for X1C5 Plus

  1. Yazz

    Appears to work. The English user manual is out of date. The manual uses screenshots from an earlier version of the software. You will get the APRS functions working but some other items are not explained at all. If someone could update the manual or link to an update that would be much appreciated.

    • ba4tbqth

      It’s undergoing ,since it’s not a full-time job,which delayed a bit.

  2. Gervais

    well,if i may comment,it looks great but way to much for my budget.Not that it is not good .153$ USD is 200$CND here which is to much BUT it looks great.i certainly would try it,, 🙂 .thanks for your products it is needed in the APRS world .Gervais VE2CKN

  3. Bill Johnston (verified owner)

    Bought it a year ago and use it on my ebike. Manual is lacking info on using /settings many of the features ie smart beaconing and Bluetooth. Thought after a year someone would expand the manual; surprised that has not happen as yet. It is only 1 watt but found it adequate when using a better antenna.

  4. billjohnstonrn (verified owner)

    Bought it a year ago and use it on my ebike. Manual is lacking info on using /settings many of the features ie smart beaconing and Bluetooth. Thought after a year someone would expand the manual; surprised that has not happen as yet. It is only 1 watt but found it adequate when using a better antenna.

  5. Hank Erchief

    Very satisfying and not as noisy as my knobbly Anal Intruder when turned up to maximum.

  6. ralf

    I am very disappointed about the documentation. No word about the options of smart beaconing, I dont know what the 5 entries in the selectionbox mean and what will happen. The X1C5 transmits when it wants to, not predictable. I know, the project is not professional, but after a year I would expect much better information about the features. Explaining the functions in a youtube video is no rocket science. Round about 150 bucks are a lot of money to spend for almost a black box.

    • ba4tbqth

      Sorry about the documentation,there are more functionality explanation on the Facebook group,also we will update it soon.

  7. Steve (verified owner)

    Works well with a better antenna. The manual is lacking information on many of the settings, but managed to work out some by looking at the manual for the other APRS products.
    I managed to configure it to work with APRSDroid over Bluetooth and as an iGate and digipeater.
    Smart beaconing works ok. I reduced the time between beacons by setting it to 5 and with the beacon transmitting on change of direction, provided a good track.

  8. Ruediger Herrmannn Lauterbach

    Is there any new Firmware for this device

    • ba4tbqth

      Currently there is no new firmware,let us know if you need the specific function,we should be able to do that.

  9. Brian

    New firmware 2021 bricked my device (uhf). Got stuck in a boot loop (flashing red ex light before reboot). Is there any way to fix this?

    • ba4tbqth

      Try to press and hold the F3 key for 5 seconds.

  10. Brian

    Tried press and hold F3 key for 5 seconds with no success. Power button does not respond and now only the Bluetooth light is flashing. screen is blank.

  11. Alan

    Hello, the device arrived safely and finally found the software but unit is frozen and unable to turn off or get the the software to read and write is greyed out. Have tried F3 for 5 sec to no avail? Any other way to reset and make the device be recognized by the software?
    73 Alan GM0USI

    • ba4tbqth

      Alan,you may press the RESET button through the EXT JACK,it will reset the device.

  12. Alan

    The device froze when trying to programme it and cannot turn off or be read or write from the software. Pushing F3 for 5 secs does nothing. Any other way to get it to reset and work with the software?
    73 Alan GM0USI

  13. GM0USI

    Do you mean inserting a jack plug into the ext jack?
    73 Alan

    • ba4tbqth

      Yes sir

  14. Alan

    Can you explain what you mean please? Inserting a 3.5mm jack into the ext TTL jack does nothing. Do you need to do something else?
    73 Alan

  15. Alan

    Used a match and it reset fine – Got it working now – thank you!
    73 Alan

  16. Kris

    The device works pretty well.
    Sometimes the display goes blank completely. Restarting helps.
    The distance to the received stations does not change when you move the tracker. Only when a new item is received, the data is updated. Does not decode APRS from converted rs-41 radiosonde even when signal passes through other DIGI. What does a long press of F2 do?
    73 SP3IZN

    • ba4tbqth

      Maybe we could work out a new firmware later.

  17. OE1MWW

    What is the difference between the X1C5 ‘pro’ and the ‘plus’ model ?

    • ba4tbqth

      The X1C5 pro has no LCD display.

  18. John

    Firmware needs some additional functions:
    To provide a transmitting i-Gate a filter needs to be sent to the server. I haven’t been able to find the place where to enter a filter parameter.
    Open Source the firmware – By doing so you may see the popularity of this thing take off.

    • ba4tbqth

      Thanks for your input!
      We sure can consider it next time.

  19. Chud

    Hi ba4tbqth

    My device keeps on crashing, I have to remove the battery to restart.
    Is there a Linux version of your desktop software, and firm ware updates?


    • ba4tbqth

      Try to upgrade the firmware,it’s on the web store.
      There is no Linux version of the setting program,but you may use any Linux APRS program for it.

  20. Mike (verified owner)

    I have the latest software but I am unable to read from the X1C5+. Is there a USB driver for windows I should be using?

    • ba4tbqth

      Yes,please follow the link on the description with the X1C5 plus to download.

  21. Mike (verified owner)

    Is it possible to pair the X1C5+ with Bluetooth on an iPhone? I know it can be done on an Android but I want to run it with the APRS.fi app for iOS. Thanks

  22. Claude

    The X1C5 Plus appears to be an extension of the X1C3. The extension is that the X1C5 Plus has a built-in radio. For people looking for additional information on the settings for the X1C5, you might try downloading and reviewing the manual for the X1C3. Also, with respect to the VHF / UHF versions of the X1C5, it appears that the only difference is the antenna. The X1C5 has a configuration option for VHF and UHF, and you then match the unit with the appropriate VHF or UHF antenna. In the US, there appears to be only an APRS standard for VHF.

  23. Mike (verified owner)

    What is your return policy?

  24. David


    I’m considering to purchase XC15Plus
    I have a few questions..??

    1. Can it work with APRSDroid to send/receive messages

    2. Is the configuration S/W now all in English.?
    There are some Youtubes,
    and nobody knows what some of the items are.?

    3. Is there an updated manual yet.?

    Many Thanks… 73

    • ba4tbqth

      Yes,the device works with APRSDroid,and you may download the configuration S/W on the purchase page to try.

  25. Pep

    El dispositvo X1C5 Plus se queda la pantalla en blanco, al reiniciarlo se ven bien, pero a los pocos segundos se pone en blanco, no hay manera de que funcione correctamente.

  26. Rc

    Hello, I pressed the COPY Icon/Word button in the setup program and now all of the text is missing in the x1c5 display. How do I get it back please?

    • ba4tbqth

      We will send you the instructions.

  27. Andy

    When I turn on my X1C5 Plus the blue GPS LED lights for a few seconds then the LED goes off and the GPS shows as off. I can turn the GPS on or off in the software but the GPS doesn’t stay on in the tracker.

    • ba4tbqth

      1, Do not use save mode in GPS.
      2, Can you tell us the firmware version?Is a wrong version of the firmware been used?
      3, Are you able to send us the screenshot of the programing software?

  28. Andy

    1, Do not use save mode in GPS.
    2, Can you tell us the firmware version?Is a wrong version of the firmware been used?
    3, Are you able to send us the screenshot of the programing software?

    Where do I find the firmware version? The program to update firmware is all in Chinese so I can’t tell what I’m doing.
    Where do I send the screen shot?

  29. Slypech

    I managed to brick my unit when trying to do firmware update.
    I cannot see what the buttons say, as they are in unknown formatting.
    And after it run for maybe 30 minutes i had to cancel the update, and tried to do it during a restart.
    The unit now only blinks on bt, and shows up as a usb to serial dev 340.

    How can i reload the firmware from bricked device?

    • ba4tbqth

      You may try to pressing the reset button through the EXT TTL jack.

  30. Mark (verified owner)

    I cannot find the Windows setup software for my new X1C5 PLUS. I was able to download APRS 51Series Setup 20200822.rar but the file seems to be corrupt. Neither WinZip nor WinRAR can extract it. I’m dead in the water. There seems to be no provision anywhere to contact Venus. I have the X1C5 Plus Manual.

    • ba4tbqth

      Send the request to our service e-mail.We will send you the program.

  31. joet

    [1] “press the RESET button through the EXT JACK”

    where is the 3.5mm jack reset button? could you be more specific? If there is a reset option using the EXT jack it should be in the manual, with step by step directions, as inserting 3.5mm jack alone does not feature any type of reset button.

    [2] Alan: “Used a match and it reset fine”
    Do you mean a match from a matchbook, you set this on fire? or put the match somewhere, could someone elaborate?

    [3] product page shows different antennas, but purchasing does not explain what comes in the box, if any antenna are included or not. it’s not clear since the page doesn’t mention an antenna, yet photos always show having an antenna. which is it? What’s in the box?

    [4] USB micro and USB-C update have the same model number, despite being different features. This is confusing since other sellers do not explain which version is being sold. Use an updated model number so someone might be able to understand the features will be different.

    • ba4tbqth

      The RESET button is inside the EXT JACK,you can press it using a stick or something.

  32. joet

    Of course there is battery.. but is there a mode that will allow the unit to turn on when external power if provided, and turn off when external external power is removed? I would like the unit to automatically power on and then off based on available power, rather than deplete the battery.

  33. Gary

    I’m not able to get the GPS to connect, I’ve tried many different configurations but each time I just see “GPS wait…”

    • ba4tbqth

      The device needs to be outside of house for 5 minutes to locate.

  34. Blaine

    I own two X1C-5’s. I’m having one heck of a time downloading the APRS 51 series Setup software. Downloading was deemed “unsafe”. Please send me the Program, and I will “up” your Stars, if I can get it to work. It took two Win 10 computers just to get the Bluetooth(s) to pair. I also note your lack of a Customer Service/Support tab.

  35. Ron (verified owner)

    Got it in October and loved it. Would rate it higher, as it as working great for several months and then one day this month, it just stopped working. Not able to power on anymore. Not lights, nothing. I have tried several different USB-C cables and different power blocks/tranformers, but nothing comes on. Was working fine, then just quit working. Any ideas or replacement ideas to get me back up and operational? Was hoping to using during the July Applachian Trail Golden Packet event on July 15th, but don’t think I will have an operational one again by then

    • ba4tbqth

      Can you try the following:
      1, Press and hold the F3 key for 3 seconds.
      2, Using a stick to press the reset button through EXT TTL jack.

  36. Ronald Startzel (verified owner)

    June 26, 2023

    Can you try the following:
    1, Press and hold the F3 key for 3 seconds.
    2, Using a stick to press the reset button through EXT TTL jack

    I tried both options and nothing happened. Anything else I can try?

  37. JAVIER

    It worked very well and suddenly from one day to the next the software stopped recognizing it, I tried holding down the F3 key for 3 seconds and also with a toothpick through the JACK EXT TTL and nothing worked. The program still does not recognize it. What I can do. Thanks

    • ba4tbqth

      Try to reset the device by click the “reset” button on the top left of the program.

  38. Paul Daugherty

    I cannot locate the program software for APRS X1C5.

  39. Paul W Daugherty

    I got the software loaded on my computer but I dont see where the x1c5 can be setup for IGATE, TRACKER OR DIGIPEATER.
    Also I don’t see an explanation for each function including transferring to the x1c5.

    • ba4tbqth

      Refer to the manual,it’s pretty basic APRS setting.

  40. Paul Daugherty

    i am getting only getting hex on setup data screen *DMOSETGROUP=1.144.3900.
    82 AD B0 62 86 N6A 60 96 72 AA B0 AE 92

  41. Paul Daugherty

    Also k9uxw-10 shows on map as xishan district near Xinxingtang river at Xixing Rd

  42. JAVIER

    “Try to reset the device by click the “reset” button on the top left of the program”.

    The problem is that the program does not recognize the device and giving it a “reset” does not help. Any other option?

  43. me

    All these reports and questions&answers show this is absolutely experimental equipment, and for this it is too expensive. Faulty and not reliable. One should get money to test it at all and then pain comepnsation

  44. Steve Marsh

    Where can I find the Facebook group, please?

    • ba4tbqth

      There is no Facebook group by the manufacturer.

  45. Steve Marsh

    Thanks for the prompt reply – your reply on 20 April 2021 suggested there was one, but I presume it is now closed then.

    The help I was looking for was understanding the TX and RX volume settings in the software – the default is -9dB on Tx and -1.5dB on RX. Are these the attenuation applied to transmitted and received signals? i.e. does -9dB on TX mean that the radiated power is 0.125W rather than the maximum 1W it is capable of?

  46. Holger Busch

    Dear OMs,
    I read the long list of questions and opinions over four years before purchasing the ARS device X1C5 Plus. Last year I decided to buy a 144 MHz device directly from you. I hoped that an OM would finish the work he started.
    Now my device is defective. When I tried to change parameters, it stopped.
    Now I only have colorful stripes on the screen, no text. I can read my data from the device, but the display shows no information. I tried all of the RESET attempts described – without success.
    When I tried using the software “APRS 51Series Setup 20211123” I was able to see how the display changed from black to colorful again after “restart”. The ad “DEL sector 0-90…Write.icon/word 0-1441” was also visible, but that was all.
    I didn’t find anything on Github either.
    Please help me so that I can use my small and expensive device again. Which software does the device start normally again and how do I have to install it?
    Of course, I would be happy to receive a proper manual with a description and understandable configuration software for the APRS X1C5 Plus.
    Thanks and vy73 from Berlin, Holger

    • ba4tbqth

      Can you try to use another computer please?Looks like the Windows system issue.

  47. Mike

    I recently had the chance to get the X1C5 Plus (current version with USB-C Port). The firmware is recognized at boot screen / programming software as X1C5_D4_220310 .
    Looking for firmware downloads I could only find an older version from 2021.
    The latest setup program I could find seems also to be outdated from 20211123. Documentation is years after product release uncomplete (what is affected by the Q parameter when using smart beaconing), setup program and firmware are quite buggy (the tracker send frames much too often) …
    Because the hardware is really nice and using a better RF module like many ESP tracker projects, I’d like to see both, firmware and setup program as open source on GitHub please!

    • ba4tbqth

      There is no latest firmware and program,we will publish it as soon as it’s been updated.

  48. Miguel

    good day to all
    i have a problem with it , suddenly stops working, and only the GPS blue LED is on not flashing, i can reset on the TTL jack, but stays the same, the programming software cant connect and read from it and cant do a reset from there, any more ideas?

    • ba4tbqth

      Are you able to disassemble the device,disconnect the battery,the re-connect it please?

  49. Karl

    The red power light flashes continuously. The manual says it should flash once. What does continuously flashing mean, please?

    • ba4tbqth

      That is looking for GPS signal.

  50. Karl

    I’ve seen a screenshot of setup software with a later date than the one on the site: “aprs 51 series setup 2021-11-23 bh4tdv”. I can’t locate it anywhere on the web. Could you please link me to it? Thanks!

    • ba4tbqth

      The published one is the stable one.
      We can send you the latest(though nothing new features) if you want,please provide your e-mail address.

  51. Eduard

    Please send me the firmware aprs 51 series setup 2021-11-23 bh4tdv
    73 YO9IBC

    • ba4tbqth

      Your e-mail server banned,please check

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